Tuesday 2 October 2012

Tanzania Trip

Iain and David leave for Tanzania on Tuesday 9th October. They will meet up with John Gaultney in Amsterdam and then travel on to Kilimanjaro together. Here is their itinerary for the trip:

Tue 9th October – travel

Wed 10th – Sun 14th – Meetings in Moshi
Tues 16th – Fri 19th – taking services at Arusha Bible College, 7.30 am & 4.30 pm

Sat 20thJohn will be the main speaker at a marriage seminar with Iain contributing 9 am – 12.30 pm; Iain will be the main speaker and John contributing  at a leader's conference 2 - 4.30pm;  in the evening they will travel to Monduli

Sun 21st – services at Monduli

Mon 22nd – Thu 25th – seminars at Monduli

Fri 26th   – flights for home (arrive Sat.)

David will be giving his testimony on occasions and praying with us for those who come forward during meetings. He will be doing some painting at the Arusha Bible College, Link Church will provide the paint.
Please pray for:
  • safety and protection while travelling to and in Tanzania
  • good health
  • that God will direct them as they prepare their ministry topics and anoint them for all that they will be doing
  • that they can continue to make and build upon contacts in the area
We'll update the blog with any news we get from Tanzania during the trip so keep checking in!