Tuesday 25 October 2011

Pringles Cans Collection

Our children and young people have had an exciting year finding out how, if we pray about the things we need, trust God to help us and then do our bit, we can see amazing things happen. Way back in the summer they did a fantastic job of decorating Pringles Cans which we could take home to collect our change in for the building fund. A big thank you to everyone who took a can and saved up your change for us! (We know they got very heavy indeed once they were even half full!)

The cans came back over the past couple of weeks, and we counted up the money in them. Actually, the coin machine at the bank did that for us and we were very glad of it's help, even though it did seem to take a very long time to do it!

First we poured all the coins into the machine...

Then we waited while it sorted them all out...

And we waited while it counted them....

We found out the machine does not like coins that come from America, or Spain, or Cyprus or even Zimbabwe because it gave all of those back to us!  Then, after a lot of counting (while we waited) it told us how much we had collected. We were very impressed because it is a lot! The final total is:   


All of that money will be paid into our building fund to help with projects such as providing disabled access and toilet facilities in our building. Of course, we still need a lot more than that, but we can keep on doing our bit! There are still lots of Pringles Cans - why not pick another one up next time you are in the church and start collecting your change again? And, of course, we can keep on praying and trusting God too!