Monday 12 January 2015

A Prayer

"See, I am doing a new thing!" Isaiah 43: 19

Jesus - Help me to stop remembering and dwelling on the past in ways that are unhelpful. I choose to not live in the past or to live in regret. I choose to leave the past in the past, and refocus on the new work God will do today

I choose to make room for God to do a new thing.

I open myself to the grace of a new year and a new beginning, acknowledging that you are the God of the fresh start, that your loyal love will never run out, that your merciful love will never dry up but that they are created new every morning and you are the God of great faithfulness.

I choose to make room for God to do a new thing.

God I seek you and open to you the deepest desires of my heart. I choose to be honest with myself and you and I let go of who I think I ought to be, who everyone else wants me to be, who other people think I am and I choose to be who you say I am.

I choose to make room for God to do a new thing.

Sometimes I don’t perceive the new thing. It is hidden in the profound mystery which veils creation. Give me eyes to see it spring to light, to come out of the darkness.

I choose to make room for God to do a new thing

It appears when and where it chooses. I cannot force it, and I cannot calculate it. Readiness is the only condition for it. So make me ready and able to see what former things in my life have become old. Help the new to break the power of the old, not only in reality, but also in my memory.

I choose to make room for God to do a new thing

Help me to see that the new bears the mark of its eternal origin in its face, the origin of the new thing is you God, you have said “I” am doing a new thing.

I choose to make room for God to do a new thing

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